
Beard Transplant

Beard is a universal craze and a sign of masculinity. Most of the men like to grow a thick stylish beard, however, there are others who like a clean-shaven look. For the men who are keen at trending with more facial hair, then beard transplant would be the best solution. In recent days, beard transplantation is becoming popular.

  • Least scarring
  • Faster recovery period.
  • It's painless.
  • High success rate
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Available methods for hair transplant in Chennai

What is beard transplant?

Patchy beards are the bane of many men’s lives. With beard transplant, it is possible for those looking for facial hair restoration to consider a simple procedure to achieve the same. If the hair is unevenly distributed along the jawline, a beard treatment would be the best solution. On account of the recent advents in technology, the beard transplant procedure uses the latest techniques in hair restoration to help transplant a beard. Beard transplants basically refer to any procedure that reconstructs a new beard or enhances an existing beard. In most beard transplant procedure, the surgeon transplants scalp hair to areas of the face as needed. A day procedure, it is possible to healthily restore beard hair now.

What are the advantages of beard transplant surgery?
  • Improves the aesthetic value of the patient’s face
  • Beyond cosmetics, a beard is an integral part of a man’s personality and hence an investment in the same may be beneficial
  • Especially in cases where the patient is a victim of burns and accidents, beard transplant is a boon.
  • It helps enhance the natural look of a person
What are the risks?
  • Bruising
  • Redness
  • Swelling
  • Sensitivity
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Frequently Asked Questions

FUT or FUE procedures leave behind no scars

Post-surgery, normal activities can be resumed within 24 hours. However, it is advised that non-strenuous only be resumed.

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